Saturday, December 22, 2012

kata2 yang sukar...


da lama rasenye aku tak update blog aku, today i feel like to update it...
based on the topics is "Katayang sukar.."

bagi aku kata2 yang sukar ni ibarat "magic words"... well, apakah magic words itu???

untuk aku antara magic words itu ialah, i'm sorry, i love you, i miss you...
hahah...bukan magic word pun kan untuk korang kan...but yes for i'm not an open person to say these words...

a lil' bit confusing why i'm sorry as i already said it a lot...yep! true...i've said it a lot...but aku hanye boleh cakap i'm sorry tu hanye kat orang yang aku tak kenal or yang aku xbrape rapat...'s hard for me to say I'm sorry to someone that i love and close with...huhuh...

contoh...aku tahu aku banyak wat mistakes ngan member yang aku sayang giler! antaranye aku pernah panggil sorang kakak dengan kuat...and kakak tu roomate yang die sayang tapi segan nak ckap...for me aku xrase bende tu besar sangat..tpi one day tu die confess betapa die benci gile kat aku time tu and sampai dah tak mau kawan ngan aku baru aku tau bende tu sangat la besar untuk die..huuhu..but still aku tak leh nak cakap pun "I'm sorry" kat sini aku leh ar cakap sorry ea...lau ko bace ko tau la aku cakap pasal ko..hehehe...

one more thing, even in the morning of Eidul Fitri i can't say i'm sorry for all my fault to my parents...all i can say all of this time is "Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin abah, mak"...jahat kan aku ni...huu..that;s why many people hates me...

next words is "I love you..." hal ni aku xpnah cakap direct ngan sesape even ngan parents aku...tpi lau mesej or chat yes! i can..tpi bab cakap ni aku fail ar...aku pun tak tau nape...sorry mak, abah...iti seriously sayang mak ngan abah tau... <3<3<3

next is "I miss you..." yang ni same ar kes ngan I love you...xleh cakap but leh tulis je...huu...

well...maybe I.m too egoist...that's why i can't say these words...sorry ar kat sume member aku yang aku selalu je sabar nga pe'el aku yang selalu wat korang benci kat aku..seriously aku xleh nak cakap direct kat korang..sorry sangat3...tpi memang aku sayang korang sangat!

and to my parents and brothers and sister...i really do loves you's just that i can't show it ....

well...that's all for today...

~ Satria Angkasa meNggegar Dunia!~
peAce yO! nO waR! ~^_^v~

Monday, October 1, 2012

ExperieNce is tHe beSt teAcher...


first of all, i have finished my practicum...hell ya!

and now i'm on my holiday...weeeeee...

does anyone knows the saying,"experience is the best teacher"??
well, I'm quite sure everyone knows it... 

it means, we learn most from what we experience...this saying for me is so true...because before we be a teacher, we had a micro the micro 
we practicing teaching...but what we didn't realise is that teaching in school totally different than teaching in micro...

the pupils have so many attitude and how we gonna overcome the various attitude plus the class control and many more...hahah...however this 3 months practicum is a great experience for's soem pics of my pupils...

zu with her pupils ....
this is when we're practicing Smart English...
my 4IA...=D
my year 3IK..naughty but cute...
that's all...owh by the way they are having their sports day the best kids...^_^v

~peaCe yO! nO wAr!~
~sAtrIa anGkasa meNggegar duNia!~

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

pLace iN my heArt??? hurm....


Hey ya! Now it’s already been two months I become a teacher and it left only one month for my practicum to end…Yeah!!! >_<V

But the truth is actually…I already started to fall in love with this career… okay…actually with my students…I already started to love them…although they aren’t my children as I already young…heheheh…=P but they already got a little place in my heart…huhuhu…@_@”

Well…maybe this why my teachers never hate this job…because they already make some place for their students in their heart…

So it’s true, if we do something with an open heart…the feeling will come itself… now…I feel I already love my students…well, the part to be a teacher is a little bit hard…because…teacher not one of my options in my career…hahha…=D ...but who knows what will happen in the future right…maybe I become a success teacher...I hope not…hahaha…well, we can only plan, but Allah SWT decide it then…

Well, that’s for my post right now…see ya! next time…

~sAtria aNgkaSa mEngGegar duNia!~

~peAce yO! nO waR!~ ^_^V

Saturday, June 23, 2012

mY PBS weEk!! oh my EngLish..


first of all, need to be remember i am student teacher. as a trainee or student teacher, we have to undergo many steps before we really teach the pupils.

First, we have a "bengkel", this "bengkel" been held for the trainee to improve what can be improved. Thanks to the lecturer for all your comment and spirit.. ^_^

Next, we have the PBS week! for this week we have to collect all the materials for our PBS report. but honestly the first day I enter the school I'm totally lost.. not only me, but also my friends..they're also lost..haha... as all of us were lost, without any directions, we are just lingering around the school and "snap! snap! snap!" It's not that we got kidnapped but we take the pictures of the school. after that, we went back to the teachers' room. all of us tried hard to talk to the teachers...but...we didn't managed to did it as we all were afraid and don't know how to approach them. same goes to the other days of the week. but I'm glad we already approached the teachers and they response to us back...weee....I'm so happy.. >_<

but for sure, the PBS week already! it's the teaching time...huwaaa...

we are waiting for the headmaster....
I'm very afraid what will happen after this??? will I be able to teaches the pupils??? or will I teaches them wrong things??? seriously people thinks that being a teacher is easy...but actually, being a teacher has sooo many responsible...*ok i also thinks that being a teacher is easy...but the reality is...fuhh...=_="

anyway pray for what is best for me okay....=D

saTria aNgkaSa meNggEgar duNia!!
peAce yO!!! ^_^v

Monday, April 30, 2012

perkara yang paling dahsyat pada bulan april!


heyya! nampaknya bulan mei pun da, bye2 april...hello mei!

sepanjang april nie macam2 perkara yang berlaku kat aku...


paling dahsyat setakat ni aku jatuh longkang..hahaha...malu seyh!

anyway thanks to pakcik yang tolong aku dan tolong hantar aku kat sekolah aku...thanks a lot! and thank to pakcik2 indon yang agak concern time aku jatuh and tolong aku hantar basikal tu kat rumah aku...thanks ar! 

nampaknya still ada lagi orang yang concerns tentang orang lain...seriously kat KL, susah ar jugak nak jumpa..tpi still ada la...pakcik2 sume memang best ar! hehehe...

apa2 hal pun ade gak la pengajaran yang aku dapat drpd peristiwa ni...dengar le nasihat ibu bapa...hehhee...

sebab sebelum tu mak aku ade tegah aku naik "gherek"...tpi aku ni ha degil nak mampus sangat...nah! tu dia penangannya...hahah...alhamdulillah kening aku tak kene jahit lau tak...adush!!!gelak je la pun xabis lagi kene perli...

anyway, alhamdulillah terima kasih Allah beri aku kesempatan untuk hidup lagi...actually time tu aku ase cam da nak melayang je nyawa aku..hahha...   

peAce yO! No wAr!
p/s 1: so adik2, chewah! dengarla ye cakap or nasihat ibu bapa anda...and janganla derhaka atau gores perasaan parents korang yer..

p/s 2: kecuali bende yang parent korang suruh tu langgar syariat yer...tpi tu pun korang kene tolak secara berhemah ye...jgn tengking2 lak...okay!

SatrIa aNgkaSa meNggeGar duNia!!!
peAce yO! nO wAr! ^_^v

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

jom meNangis....


jom nangis...well...ramai yang kata menangis tu tanda seseorang tu lemah...

pada pendapat aku, betullah...menangis tu tanda kita sedang lemah...why??

sebab manusia tak sentiasanya kuat...ada ada masa dia akan jatuh...tak kiralah betapa gagah perkasanya dia..still dia akan jatuh juga...kalau tak berkali - least sekali...yelah kita ni kan makhluk yang la kalau kite nangis...

tapi...nangis tu ade pulak sebabnye...ade yang menangis sebab gembira, ada yang menangis sebab sedih & ada juga yang nangis sebab sakit... tak kisahla sebab apa seseorang tu nangis...sebab happy ke sedih ke atau sakit...yang penting dia nangis sebab dia lemah...again why??

katakan seseorang tu menangis sebab gembira... perlu ke dia menangis padahal dia dah berjaya?? still, dia akan menangis sebab dia tak boleh nak tanggung kegembiraan tu seorang diri...Nah!! ini menunjukkan dia tu lemah...sama juga halnya dengan menangis sebab sedih atau sakit...sebabnya.. seseorang tu tak boleh menanggung kesedihannya atau kesakitannya seorang diri...bile die menangis...beban yang ditanggung tu berkurang...

but it doesn't means that Allah give us something that we can't carried...

satu lagi fakta tentang menangis ialah...dengan menangis kita akan rasa lebih lega...dan...dengan menangis kita akan dapat semula semangat atau kekuatan kita selepas kita usai nangis...

sebab, lepas kita nangis beban yang kita tanggung akan terasa lebih ringan dan kita akan rasa lebih bersemangat lepas menangis...dan, menangis itu merupakan satu nikmat untuk kita...

so, buat ape korang nak malu untuk menangis... Allah da bagi kita peluang untuk menangisla...tapi jangan la menangis selalu ea...hehehe...

akhir kata....semua orang tak sempurna dan lemah...hanya Allah yang Maha sempurna dan Maha Kuat...

so's okay to cry sometimes....we are not perfect... ^_^v

~saTria anGkasa menGgegar duNia!~
~peAce yO! nO waR!~  ^_^v

UniSZA...phir milenge chalte chalte...

phir milenge chalte chalte??

actually it means "down the road we will meet again"...

well...i'll be on semester break for 2 months...YEAY!!! so unisza phir milenge chalte chalte...hehehe...

for the next sem..urm...what am i going to learn??

Oh no! I'm gonna be a teacher....huhuh....nervous..=(

anyway it gonna be fun and full with experience right??

and teacher is a noble work guys...without teacher there will be no architect, engineer, doctor, surgeon etc. right??

well..I juz need confidence and pure heart to be a teacher next sem...although it is juz a practical teacher...hehe...=D

anyway...wish me luck for the next sem...opss?!! not luck...just pray for my success....=D

go! go! go! teAchers!
owh yeah! i gonna do my practicum at SK Seberang Takir, children be nice with me and my frenz kay...^_^v

~SatRia anGkasa menGgegar dunia~

~peAce yo! nO wAr~ ^_^v

Sunday, January 29, 2012

here goes my reply...

so this post should have been replied a loooong time ago....sorry aku captain hero 
i replied a little bit this is the rules..

Rules of the game :
1. You must post this rules.
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new question for the people you tagged to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
5. Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER.
6. No tag back.

ok...11 perkara tentang aku...

1. aku suke gile aktiviti2 lasak such as, jungle trekking, flying fox,dan macam2 ag...
2. aku suke buat keje yang xmasuk dek akal...tpi xslalu ar...
3. aku sorg yang pendiam lau ngan org yang aku xbrape nak rapat...tpi sorg yang gila2 ngan orang yang aku rase, sesapa rase aku gile2 when u're around...means aku selesa ar tu ngan korang...
4. ade2 mase aku suke be alone...saje suke2...heheeh
5. aku suke masak and buat kuih or kek...hahaha...  
6. aku suka kacau budak sampai dorg nangis...but i love kids too...hehe
7. aku pernah gadoh besar ngan bebudak laki time aku darjah 6...
8. seriously aku sayang sume kawan2 aku...xkisah dorg suke aku ke tak...
9. aku leh jadi orang yang sangat annoying sometimes...hehehe
10. aku xsuke orang yang merokok...coz aku xsuke asap rokok tu...
11. aku xsuke bau minyak petrol...SERIOUSLY!! soalan dari captain aku yang sorang ni...
1- kenapa letak nama blog macam tu?    
sebab blog ni aku punye...hehehe

2- banyak2 blog yang follow, blog sape paling best? kenapa? [kire 1soalan jugak eh]
well...lam banyak2 blog yang aku follow(actually ade 2 je pon)..yang paling best blog menjejak langkah pejuang ngan blog Hey<3...sebab 2 blog ni je yang aku follow...huhuhu

3- masalah hidup / lau tensyen giler-giler kongsi ngan sape? 

hurm...soalan skit jiwa ni...urm lau ade probs mostly aku kongsi ngan diri aku sendiri...hahaha...second my parents usually my mom...then baru ngan member2 rapat aku...

4- dalam family, anak yang ke-berapa?
well...soalan mudah je tu..hehe...aku anak yang ke -empat...

5- kalau online biasa buat apa? selalunya bukak youtube download citer ngan lagu and bukak fb tuk main game....

6- antara chat and tengok movie, lebih suke yang mana?
antara chat ngan movie?? of coursela CHAT xtermasuk lam prefer more...

7- apa benda yang kamu rasa cam nak gitaw orang, tapi kemudian tak gitaw sebab rasa cam tak perlu?
urm..problems jiwa..coz nnt akan tambah beban kat orang tu tu mesti ade problem jiwa gakkan...

8- suke tak kos kat uni yang korang amek sekarang?

hahaha...killer questions....seroiusly...aku MEMANG TAK SUKA kos yang aku sedang amik kat u...haha...tapi tu dulu...skarang aku mula love it...yeah!!without this course i would never know my frenz right....

9- start belajar formal umur berapa?

 urm ..start blajar formal time umur 6 tahun asenye...tu pon lau tadika termasuk lam blajar formal...lau tak mase darjah satu - 7 tahun...

10-start solat umur berapa n sapa yang ajar? [ni satu soklan jugak.hehe]
start solat umur darjah satu...parents ajar..tpi time tu pon cam main2 je...huhuh....dosenye aku...tpi lau seriously aku solat xmain2 time umur aku 10 tahun a.k.a darjah 4... ^_^

11-berapa minit siapkan entry nih? haha

hahahah...ade ar lam sejam gak ar...hahaha...soalan die mencabar minda ar...hahaha...

hah!! kan aku da cakap aku ni gile skit...hehehe..anyway cek zue comel..ahaha ni ar reply aku tuk ang...sorry sebab aku banyak merepek...huhu...

~saTria angKasa menGgegar duNia~
~pEace yO...No waR~
*ko mesti ingat an tagline tu...keh3... XP