Monday, October 1, 2012

ExperieNce is tHe beSt teAcher...


first of all, i have finished my practicum...hell ya!

and now i'm on my holiday...weeeeee...

does anyone knows the saying,"experience is the best teacher"??
well, I'm quite sure everyone knows it... 

it means, we learn most from what we experience...this saying for me is so true...because before we be a teacher, we had a micro the micro 
we practicing teaching...but what we didn't realise is that teaching in school totally different than teaching in micro...

the pupils have so many attitude and how we gonna overcome the various attitude plus the class control and many more...hahah...however this 3 months practicum is a great experience for's soem pics of my pupils...

zu with her pupils ....
this is when we're practicing Smart English...
my 4IA...=D
my year 3IK..naughty but cute...
that's all...owh by the way they are having their sports day the best kids...^_^v

~peaCe yO! nO wAr!~
~sAtrIa anGkasa meNggegar duNia!~