Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Convocation day!!


at last...I'm now officially a diploma holder of diploma in TESL at UniSZA!! yeay!! It was a happy ending as I've struggled to hold the scroll at the end of my dip days...hahaha...

my convocation day was on 1st of December 2013, 3rd session...I'm soo excited, nervous, happy and sad at the same time..

excited coz it's the day that we all have waited since the 1st day we step our feet in UniSZA as the "mahasiswa and mahasiswi" of diploma in tesl...

nervous because it's my first time to set foot on the stage and meet the vice chancellor itself, although i really hope to receive the scroll from Sultanah Zahirah (well in my dream i suppose)...

happy as i can meet all my friends again!!! be frank i really miss them damn much!!!hahaha...been three years with them mean a lot to me...the are like diamond and can't be replaced... even in MSU i can't find someone like them..huhuhuh....

sad...don't know when can I meet all of them again...for me...the convocation day is only a reason for us to finally meet each other in one place..but now...what's the reason for all of us to meet again in one place with no missing person..right?

well..that's all for my story the next entry I will upload the photo on our convocation day....

~peAce yO! nO waR!~
saTria aNgkaSa! meNggeGar duNia!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013



rasanya dah lama aku xupdate blog..heheh...

so many thing i wanna share but i don't know why i just can't...

maybe next time i will share it... 

~peAce yO! nO waR!~ ^_^V

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Keluarga besar Aku di UniSZA...


hari ini aku nak guna sepenuhnya bahasa Melayu...hehehe...untuk kali ini aku cuma nak cakap tentang semua kawan2 aku di UniSZA...

Kami semua berasal dari negeri yang berbeza,
gaya hidup yang berbeza,
perangai yang takkan samalah...
tapi ada satu yang sama antara kami semua...
kami semua adalah "TESLians"!!!

jujurnyalah aku tak pernah sayang orang asing...
sepertimana aku sayang keluarga aku sendiri...
tapi...jujurnya mereka bukan sahaja sahabat aku...
tapi aku dah anggap mereka sebagai keluarga aku...
mungkin lepas ni aku takkan jumpa lagi orang se"gempak" mereka...

apa2pun.. aku nak cakap yang aku sayang kalian...
jujur ea.. aku tak pandai nak cakap depan2...huhuhu..

gambar masa sem 2... will miss this moments.. =')

last dinner kami... 22 Feb 2013...
best buddies!!! <3 <3 <3

ke Kelantan..memori terindah...=D

nasyid untuk kali pertama dan terakhir di UniSZA...<3<3<3

sekian saja untuk kali ini...aku sayang korang semua.... <3<3<3<3<3

~saTria aNgkasa meNggeGar Dunia!~
~peAce yO! nO waR!~ ^_^v~

Monday, January 21, 2013

devil inside me....

first of all, Assalamualaikum....'s already 2013 aite? well, then 2012 isn't the end of the world...well all i can said here is that only ALLAH know when is the end of the world...just pray that we are among "orang yang beriman yang mati dalam Syahadah"...

now, back to the topic...i believe everyone two sides in their selves...hehhe.. one is good and the other is bad is like a yin and yang...same goes to me...and I'm sure that my friends know my both sides but what they don't know is... what they see is only 10%...

you may see me as a patience and cool person...but actually I'm a bad ass person...

"well, they say the sky's the limit, and to me that's true , but my friend you've seen nothing, just wait till i get through..."

what I'm trying to say is that i also had my limit to every patience that i hold inside me...but once you had cross over my patience will see the devil inside me...not to say I'm a scary person...but..i also had my mood swing and i can explode anytime...and i can forgive...but what' the use if you're doing it over and over again??????  it's just not right!!

anyway that's all for today.....

sAtria AngkaSa menGgegaR duNia!!

Peace yO! nO waR! ~^_^v~